
RUMILUZ is a precision-dried lucerne that is chopped to provide the scratch factor and structure to the ruminant’s diet, without reducing its nutrient density.

As a legume, RUMILUZ is high in quality proteins, palatable, and should be considered the natural buffer for the cow’s rumen.

Promotes Rumination and Saliva Production

The strands of lucerne are chopped to 3-5cm. Saliva contains high levels of natural bicarbonate which helps buffer the rumen and helps reduce acidosis. It is the perfect product to balance high-starch diets, and diets where wet, or acidic, silages are being fed

Increasing fibre in the ruminant’s ration contributes to a reduced risk of acidosis

Rich in minerals, trace elements (β carotene) and vitamin E

Contributing to the natural balance of the diet, thus promoting health and fertility

Dehydration to 90% dry matter

Guarantees a stable product with zero losses

Consistent and fully traceable

Use 2-4kg for dairy cows

  • Chopped lucerne, 3-5cm in length
  • On average, each bale is 350kg and measures 1.4m x 1.2m x 0.75m
  • Delivered in 24 tonne loads

Indicative values as fed
Moisture 10.0%
Crude protein 15.3%
Crude fibre 27.0%
Crude fat 2.5%
Crude ash 11.1%
Calcium 22.2g/kg
Absorbable Ca 6.1g/kg
Phosphorous 2.3g/kg
Absorbable P 1.7g/kg
Potassium 24.9g/kg
DEB 504mEq/kg
DACB 342mEq/kg
NDF 40.9%
ADF 29.7%
ADL 7.0%

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